DISK Currently, it's Please note that Phil Smith is now registered as a sole trader using the business name Doctor Diskin Queensland, Australia using ABN 22 394 533 644 Please note e-mail address change at foot of page Phil Smith (Doctor Disk) permanently left Hong Kong on 19th June 2006 All Data Recovery requests should be directed to ESS Data Recovery quoting Reseller # 1024. Please direct all other HK enquiries to Systems Xpress Limited on 2644 0219 and ask for Derek or Garry The company Doctor Disk Limited was closed down at the end of July 2002, but Phil Smith continued doing the same top quality work until June 2006! In Queensland, Australia, from August 2006 Doctor Disk has been registered as a Sole Trader, ABN 22 394 533 644.Although the company Doctor Disk Limited was forced to close down, Phil Smith will probably be "Doctor Disk" for the rest of his life! He returned permanently to Australia on 19th June 2006. Current information on tropical cyclones which may affect Hong Kong or Australia will appear below this line whenever relevant.
------------------------------------------------- When present, links content is updated frequently. Page content updated
2008-10-09 at 22:10 QLD Time [UTC+10]. For all other weather information, please go to Phil's Typhoons and Archives Pages which are regularly updated. Try out our Hong Kong Links page. NOTE: If you know of any links which you think should be added to this page, or if you find that some of the links on this page do not work, or if links now lead to unsuitable content, please email me at phil DOT drdisk AT gmail DOT com to advise me of the details. This web site is designed for 800x600 256 colours, please use Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or Netscape Navigator 3.0 or above to view our web pages.You are visitor number This Page was last updated on 07/02/08 at 08:34:01 Hong Kong Time (UTC + 8 hours). Copyright © 1996 - 2010 Phil Smith, all rights reserved. All contents in this web site are provided as is without warranty of any kind. Phil Smith expressly disclaims any liability from the use of any information in this web site. Note: for sections of some of the pages within this site attributed to [HKO]: the links and materials provided therein are supplied by the Hong Kong Observatory and the following Notice is applicable to those sections: Copyright Notice: All weather information shown here, including but not limited to all text, graphics, drawings, diagrams, photographs and compilation of data or other materials are provided by the Hong Kong Observatory. Any reproduction, adaptation, distribution, dissemination or making available of such copyright works to the public is strictly prohibited unless prior written authorization is obtained from the Hong Kong Observatory. Note that the e-mail address for Phil Smith (also known as "Doctor Disk") has been changed to phil DOT drdisk AT gmail DOT com with effect from 18th March 2006. To use this e-mail address, in your e-mail program's "To" field, type out the words in blue replacing " AT " with "@" and replacing " DOT " with "." so that there are no spaces. Sorry for the inconvenience, but my junk mail had passed 1,000 items per day. Some of the pages currently hosted within this site are not related to the business at all, but reflect our current interests - especially Adoptive Families of Hong Kong (AFHK) where, if you are thinking you might adopt a child, you can learn about adoption in HK and the ACA Library Resources page which is provided for the convenience of our friends in ACA, (ACoA or Adult Children Anonymous). This is a Christian business. My wife, Wendy and I are both practising Christians (meaning we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible) and we intend to conduct our business according to Christian principles. |
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we include links to many of our pages in this Search Bar: Making Money on the Web; Travels by Motorbikes and Sidecars About Phil Smith, (includes Wendy, Victor, Nina, Benjamin,
Rosemary), ; About Doctor Disk, ; ACA, ACoA, Adult children, ; Hurricane
Frances ; Hurricane Aldonca; Adopt, Adoption, AFHK, Adoptive Families of Hong Kong, ; Archives of typhoons, (Sam, Wendy, York, etc.), storm and weather
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computor, computre, computr, compter, cmputer, cmputr), ; Currency
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Christian, ; Family photographs, ; Family Computers, computer prices, printer, printers, scanner,
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insert a British (Sterling) Pound sign, ; Services, Charges,
Fees, Troubleshooting, trouble shooting, trouble-shooting, house calls in Hongkong,
Forensic, Forensics, consultants, consultancy, ; Tracking maps
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archive and Weather pages, ; Upgrades price list, ; Warranty info for PC / computer, ; Motorbikes and Sidecars, Chang Jiang 750, CJ750, Diary of an Enthusiast, ; Weather
information pages. Other sites: http://www.1MillionDollarsInGoogleAdsFree.com/drdisk
; OzCruisers.com, Australian Motorcycle Tours. Web Riders For Christ Disciples CMC Sidecar enthusiasts:
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